We are a young group of volunteers from the Family International who've come together to form a theatre group in London.

With our plays, we address controversial and difficult issues everybody faces in today's society. We perform all over London and the UK with one goal in mind:

Encouraging our audience to take control of their futures, and challenging them to make a difference!

Friday 20 February 2009

More Monkey Business!

Our team went to Reading on Thursday to flood the walking street with the Evolution comic we gave out in Central London. It was lots of fun, and later on in the afternoon we headed to a hotel room loaned to us by a friend along with some newcomers for a theoretical debate regarding Evolution! (grin).

Anyway, I won't bore you too much with the dialogue, but here's some eye candy for you all! :D

(Faye and Shaun with a cheery-looking Cro-Magnon woman...aka Heather!)

(Tina at it again with her free hugs...well the Monkey appreciated it :D)

(Shaun in action)

(A candid shot of some recipients reading the comic)

(And another...)

(Tina and some new friends caught by surprise...we hope :P)

(Someone else caught by surprise as well!)

(Simon was King of the Monkey Mask!)

(That's it for now, people! See ya round...)

(...your Four Horsemen Team)

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