We are a young group of volunteers from the Family International who've come together to form a theatre group in London.

With our plays, we address controversial and difficult issues everybody faces in today's society. We perform all over London and the UK with one goal in mind:

Encouraging our audience to take control of their futures, and challenging them to make a difference!

Monday 2 February 2009

Let it snow...

Yes, one again it's the great frrreeze... (shivers). UK's experiencing a sudden cold front and today the world is silent. Trains and buses aren't running, streets are empty...the silence is golden.
Well...I give it five minutes before the snowballs start flying around *grin*

What's special about snow is that it's kind of like a big white blanket covering the world. Everything that was dirty or ugly is transformed into something white and glistening and beautiful.

They say that's what God's love is like in our lives - the clean white blanket that just covers everything that's bad and ugly and horrible.

All the things we hate about ourselves or our situations, that we wish other people didn't have to see - God's love just falls down like soft, beautiful snowflakes and blankets it all away, makes everything look clean again. Kinda cool, isn't it?

Plus, snow is just WAY too fun to play in ;).

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