We are a young group of volunteers from the Family International who've come together to form a theatre group in London.

With our plays, we address controversial and difficult issues everybody faces in today's society. We perform all over London and the UK with one goal in mind:

Encouraging our audience to take control of their futures, and challenging them to make a difference!

Friday 8 August 2008

Tales From Wales - The Swansea Scoop

(The Four Horsemen with a few of the Swansea crowd)

Finally back with the story on Swansea - the city we hit on Saturday (and the last city our team went to in Wales). It was a brilliantly sunny day and lucky for us (with a lot of Divine intervention) it stayed that way for all the afternoon.
We really didn't know what to expect in Swansea and some of us were a little nervous, but also excited as we'd been repeatedly told to take our plays there by some of the Welsh young people we'd encountered. Well, after finding a spot at the far end of the walking street and striking up an act... we were in for an amazing afternoon!
There was a large gathering of young people just around the corner from where we were performing, and as the day progressed, more and more of them were drawn to the action. We were as happy to perform for them as they were to watch - the Swanseans (yes I know it's a made-up term...) were an awesome audience.
They were even better when it came to one-on-one and group discussions about the plays, their meanings and the message of Jesus' love. Our team spent the better part of the day in conversation with these very special people, exchanging hugs and email addresses (and taking lots and lots of pictures, hah).
All in all, we have to say that Swansea was an awesome experience for our team and well worth the time and effort! We prayed with lots of the young people there to receive Jesus into their hearts and we know He's going to do mind-blowing stuff in each of their lives now!
We ended our time up in Swansea with a trip to the beach, woofed down pizzas and coke (given complimentary by the local Pizza Hut - the manager was very kind! If you're ever in Swansea, go and eat there!) and those of us who were brave enough splashed around a bit! It was the perfect end to a perfect day! Enjoy the pics!

(Faye with two young men who were brave enough to give Jesus a chance - Jason and Danny, you guys rock!)

(Three beautiful people gathering to watch the 'Everything' play)

(The audience looks on as the 'Everything' play unfolds...)

(Even after the walking street was deserted, it was still going on!)

(Mari and Sam with three new friends)

(It's always great to have people we've just met join in on the plays, but Kyle's acting took us by storm!)

(The Four Horsemen took quite a knocking that day!)

(Faye and Heather showing some boys about some of the signs of the end (check out the 'Mathew 24' pictures on this blog if you're interested...))

(Two damsels in distress hugging a long-haired blonde boy with a sword...and it's not even Josh!)

(Fun at the beach after a long, busy day!)

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