We are a young group of volunteers from the Family International who've come together to form a theatre group in London.

With our plays, we address controversial and difficult issues everybody faces in today's society. We perform all over London and the UK with one goal in mind:

Encouraging our audience to take control of their futures, and challenging them to make a difference!

Tuesday 5 August 2008

Tales from Wales - The Bridge End Basics

(The Four Horsemen outside Bridge End Bus Station)

On Friday, our team traveled to Bridge End, a small town in Wales that has recently been victim to a rising number of suicides. We were very keen on performing there, especially the 'Everything' skit as it deals with a wide range of issues known to prompt depression. So, with rain clouds vying for space with patches of blue sky and the sun, we set up on the small walking street in Bridge End.
Our day there was as full of adventure as it was with mishaps....er... 'mishaps' being one confused, depressed woman interrupting the 'Everything' skit several times before eventually walking off with our prop gun. Fortunately, Melody, one of our team members, went after her and not only spent time with this woman talking about Jesus' love for her and giving her a hug, but she even managed to get the gun back!
Even though people were sparser then in Cardiff, we still found those who were interested in the plays and keen to discuss today's issues with us. Quite a few people prayed to accept Jesus into their hearts and some even left us with email addresses and asked us to please stay in touch. We were very thankful to have been given the opportunity to reach Bridge End with a message of hope!
As a final highlight to round off the day, we were requested to perform the Four Horsemen play for a group of young people who were hanging out at a fountain around the corner from where we were based! Wooden swords clashed and battle cries were yelled one last time in Bridge End aftter which we were able to spend some time with these awesome young people before heading home in the throes of a downpour of rain.
Bridge End was definitely a memorable experience! See the pics!

(Faye with some Bridge Enders)

(Melody's just one of those 'people' people...)

(The Four Horsemen did a lot of exploring that day)

(Someone getting a taste of the crown Jesus promises is waiting for us in Heaven!)

(What everybody needs is love!)

Coming up: Swansea...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.