We are a young group of volunteers from the Family International who've come together to form a theatre group in London.

With our plays, we address controversial and difficult issues everybody faces in today's society. We perform all over London and the UK with one goal in mind:

Encouraging our audience to take control of their futures, and challenging them to make a difference!

Tuesday 5 August 2008

Tales from Wales - The Cardiff Chronicles

(The Four Horsemen with some new friends from Cardiff)

Well, everyone, here we are! Back after five, fun-filled days on the road in the 'land of the red dragon'...a.k.a Wales.
A team of twelve of us bunked down in Cardiff and hit their walking street as well as those of Bridge End and Swansea with the street plays and a message of Jesus' love and awesomeness, lol. It was amazing, to say the least. We're just going to talk about Cardiff in this post (two others about Bridge End and Swansea coming up, don't worry) due to an overabundance of content (well, there are an awful lot of pictures...I'm posting all my personal favorites here!)
We performed in Cardiff for two days, Wednesday and Thursday, and we loved it! The sun shone due to merciful Omnipotent intervention (it was supposed to be rainy) for the whole first day and we found a perfect spot on the busy walking street to perform the plays.
The young people in Cardiff were a great crowd - a good audience and even more interesting when we talk with them, either one-on-one or as a group. A lot of them prayed with us to ask Jesus into their hearts and were brave enough to give Him a chance in their lives despite all the crap they'd heard about 'religion'. (P.S: To any Cardiff-ites reading this post, you guys rock!).
The second day in Cardiff was wet and windy, which was awkward because the concrete was too slippery for a performance to be safe. But, despite the 'wet blanket' (literally) threatening to envelop us, our team (I tell you, those guys are such troopers. I was moaning the whole time about the weather) went ahead and gave out the Four Horsemen posters, reaching out to whoever was brave enough to stop! After about an hour, Jesus rewarded the faithful and the sun came out, which meant we were not able to stay out but also managed to do our plays for the rest of the afternoon!
We met some very special people in Cardiff and are so thankful we had an opportunity to take our shows (and Jesus) to that awesome city! Enjoy the pics!

(Cate and Mari on the go)

('Death' captivates the crowd on Cardiff's Walking Street)

(The audience watches the final scene of 'The Four Horsemen')

(Three young girls sit closely to watch the 'Everything' skit unfold)

('Jesus' and 'Death' getting along nicely for a change)

('War' explains the Four Horsemen poster)

Stay tuned for Bridge End...

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