We are a young group of volunteers from the Family International who've come together to form a theatre group in London.

With our plays, we address controversial and difficult issues everybody faces in today's society. We perform all over London and the UK with one goal in mind:

Encouraging our audience to take control of their futures, and challenging them to make a difference!

Tuesday 18 September 2007

Pics for all of U

These are all shots of a memorable day in Watford on September 15th. The sun was shining, we were all playing different roles (except for DJ). We had some memorable moments... Steve (as Jesus) picked up his sword and raised it above his head as he said " I am Jesus" at the end. He accidentally caught ahold of his robe and showed a good bit of leg to the surprised audience! Blooper compilation coming soon! A dying DJ (War) also landed smack on Sam (Money) to the horror of Death!

Well it all ended well as we prayed with over 90 people to receive Jesus. WOW! What a day. its hard to put into words what that means to us..... but on the Sunday I read this true story and I thought..yes thats what it means..

"I was in a little town in Denmark giving out tracts. A beautiful girl came my way . I offered her a tract. She stopped , received the paper and reached in her pocket for a coin.

I asked her if she believed in God and she said no. i then asked her if she believed in love. At that she brightened up and said she did.

I then explained that God is the very Spirit of love, and that with His Help we can live lives of love and fullness. She then humbly prayed with me, excused herself and went on her way.

I thought of this girl a few times as the encounter had been so brief and yet so vibrant.

Two weeks later I received an envelope in my mailbox. Inside were two letters - one from the girls mother and one from the girl. Her mom said,"It was my daughters last wish for me to send this letter from her to you. My daughter is now dead, but she wanted to let you know how much meeting you had meant to her. "

In her letter the girl said "I am now entering the darkness but it is with the knowledge that love is real and that there is a great Light awaiting me. Before i met you I was afraid to die, but now I am at peace."

Her note brought me to tears as I had no idea she was in the critical stages of an illness. "

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