We are a young group of volunteers from the Family International who've come together to form a theatre group in London.

With our plays, we address controversial and difficult issues everybody faces in today's society. We perform all over London and the UK with one goal in mind:

Encouraging our audience to take control of their futures, and challenging them to make a difference!

Thursday 19 March 2009

Takin' it downtown, Four-Horsemen style...

(Josh, Raphy, Sam, Lani and Shaun with new pals in Uxbridge)

Finally back with updates in the form of all the media from our Four Horsemen afternoon in Uxbridge. Our team once again embraced new members (Marc and Etta, who teamed up to play Fashion). The Four Horsemen street play itself also returned for the first time in 2009! *whoop of triumph*.

(Heather with Georgie and Elsie!)

We met up with Georgie and Elsie, two rocking chicks who we met during our previous stint in Uxbridge. (It was well fun seeing you girls again!)

Actually, these two need their own paragraph. They cheered us on faithfully even though they were freezing cold almost the entire afternoon, and even participated in the Everything play (as, yep, you guessed it; THE DRUNKS).

(Spot the odd ones out...:P)

How'd they do?
Ten out of ten, that's how! They even let us interview them (I'm still trying to get that video off Sam, girls - bear with me).

(Lani with a musician who was performing not far from our spot)

Anyway, 'nuff said. It was a smashing, Four-Horsemen afternoon - that pretty much sums it up. Peace, people!

(Marc, le French Connection...)

("We introduce to you today...")

(The Colorful Sock Clan...the one with the boot is mine, ppl! :P)

And... another vid for you all! :D

The Four Horsemen skit in Uxbridge, March 15th!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And an ugly boot it is... boy do you sweet angels need a relooking...